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Knights of Columbus

Fr. Michael J. McGivney was the founder of the knights of Columbus, he was a young associate priest at St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Connecticut. Father McGivney's vision was to bring assistance and financial aid to sick and disabled members and their families by forming this mutually beneficial society for the working class and immigrant Catholics in the United States. On March 29th, 1882, the Knights were legally and formally chartered in the State of Connecticut. 

The first council in Washington State was the Seattle Council 676 instituted on June 22, 1902. As of 2019, the Knights have grown to nearly 2 million members in approximately 17 countries. Collectively, the Knights have donated more than 75 million charitable hours of service in the year 2017 alone and our life and disabilities insurance programs have paid out millions upon millions of dollars to members and their families. While we sand in awe of the achievements of Father McGivney vision the Vatican is considering Father McGivney for sainthood.

Our Council 2103 has always been a group that is willing to step forward and help. Many should be recognized for their commitment to our Parish and Community. 

Being a Knight is as easy as stepping forward and taking the pledge. Any male over the age of 18 and a Catholic in good standing is eligible. We would love to have you as a parto of this team. Our activities range from the many interests of our council membership, our main emphasis has been: Our parish, Youth, Family, and Community. This includes: bingo and games during the annual harvest dinner, pancake breakfasts, fund raising for local pro-life activities, and various other activities. Our members are dedicated to all types of charities and working with youth throughout the community. We would like to think of ourselves as the "strong right arm of our Parish", when something needs done our members rise to the occasion.


If interested in becoming a Knight please contact GK Rick Sartain or any fellow knight. 

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